The LA Series can be used as the basis for a complete small to medium touring system and provide front of house sound and monitoring as well as a permanent install sound system. 洛杉矶系列可以用来作为一个完整的中小型旅游制度的基础,并提供良好的房子前面,监测以及永久性安装的音响系统。
A permanent G20 structure, representative of the major debtor and creditor countries and the most strategically powerful ones, will sound the death knell of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations. G20代表了世界主要的债务国和债权国,以及最具战略影响力的国家。固定的G20框架将敲响七国集团(G7)的丧钟。
For permanent sound installations, architectural compatibility of primary importance, mounting points become critical. 对于永久音响设施,首要的建筑兼容性,安装点成为关键。
The investigation of predicting method about permanent hearing loss induced by sound exposure 较短时间声暴露后永久性听力损失的预测方法
The permanent magnet can carry out the mutual convert of electromagnetic energy to mechanical energy or sound energy through the interaction of magnetic poles and the magnetic field in the interspace. Thus permanent magnetic materials have extensively applications in many realms of production and life. 利用永磁体磁极的相互作用和气隙间磁场可以实现机械能或声能与电磁能的相互转换,从而使得永磁材料被广泛应用于生产和生活的诸多领域。
Therefore, the identification of a permanent establishment is not only an important issue of International Tax law, but also of great significance for China to establish a sound taxation of electronic commerce system. 所以对于常设机构的认定不仅对国际税法是个重要的课题,对于我国建立完善的电子商务征税系统也具有重要意义。